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Java Installation Steps

dersmacbeval1986 2020. 2. 20. 08:44

How to Install Jenkins?Jenkins is a Continuous Integration and delivery tool. It helps the developers in their development process. There is always a huge demand for some improvement and multi-tasking applications. Jenkins is one such tool that can help developers with code integration and delivery facilities altogether.So, as we know that developers are working on code development and there is a repository allocated for their work to store and share among the team.

This repository can be Git, VSO, Jira or any other tool. Jenkins will make sure that whatever the latest commits that happen to the repository do not get spoiled, it runs then and checks if everything is fine or not. If there is any kind of issue related to builds, it has a feature to report the concerned person via email notification. Web development, programming languages, Software testing & othersJenkins is and it is an open source tool. Users who want Jenkins in their system – download Java (either or JRE) in your system before. Let’s see some system requirement –.

Minimum of 256MB of RAM is good to start, prefer more than the mentioned one. 1GB of hard disk space is the minimum requirement, prefer more than this.Steps to Install Jenkins:Let us discuss the steps required to install Jenkins.Step 1: You have to type ‘Jenkins’ on any browser, the first link that will appear contains the link for downloadStep 2: Once you are into the Jenkins website you will see the ‘Download’ option available in the dashboard. There are 2 types of releases available. Long term support release. Weekly releaseWe will use the Long term support link for the windows platform – the latest version is 2.150.3. Note – One crucial thing to discuss with our readers is that there are two ways to install the Jenkins application.

Run Jenkins as a service, this start without any user to log in. Windows installer is the preferred way and also the easiest way to do. If you are an advanced user you can also download the Jenkins war file and deploy itWe will continue with windows installer way – 1 st oneOnce you click the ‘Download’ button you will get the below screen and the download process has begun.

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After the download has been completed it navigate to the download location and run the application.Step 3: Open the zip file and you will see the windows installer package in it. Double click and the installation process will start. You can see the Setup window with Jenkins 2.150.3 Follow the below-mentioned screen. Click on the ‘Next’ button.Step 4: Next screen asks you about the location to save the file.

The default location is also mentioned in the screen. If you don’t have any specific reason to change let it be as it is, refers to the below-mentioned screen.Step 5: click the install button to run the process. Refer to the below screen.Step 6: In the end, you will see the below screen which says ‘Completed the Jenkin2.150.3 setup. Click the Finish button to stop the install process of Jenkins.

Java Installation Steps In Windows 10

After this you will get an option to open your file, we have to open it via any browser. Let’s see what happens –And on port ‘localhost8080’ you will see the below screen. The first screen is of localhost8080 address and second the message you will get.Step 7: Now first thing in order to unlock is ‘Password’, yes you need to provide the initial admin password. Let’s see how we can do this. And the password is set in this directory.Directory: /var/lib/Jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPasswordJust copy the following details and paste it into your folder explorer directory. Let’s see how we can do this. I have copied “/var/lib/Jenkins/secrets” and paste it in the folder explorer.

Follow the below screen for better understandingA user has to open the initialadminpassword by clicking on it. It is highlighted in the above screen with a red rectangle. Open it with your editor (like Notepad or Notepad ). Follow the below screen.Step 8: Copy this password and paste it into the Jenkins window opened in the browser.Paste the PasswordI have pasted my password, and click Continue.Step 9: Now in the next screen, we will get ‘Customize Jenkins’ screen. Again there are 2 options for the users to prefer. Install suggested Plugins.

Select plugins to installWe will choose the first option, as it is the most preferred by the community members. Also, if you have any specific purpose then only prefers the 2 nd option.With this, the recommended plugins will start to download. Let’s see the related screen.The above is the suggested install screen. We can see that there are so many useful things that are coupled together. It has the plug-ins for Git, SSH Slaves.

Once all the plugins are successfully installed on your Jenkins you will be automatically redirected to the below-mentioned page.Step 10: Fill the following fields –. Username. Password. Confirm Password. Full Name.

E-mail addressOnce the details are provided click on ‘Save and Finish’ button and you will get the below screen. Which means Jenkins is installed properly and it is ready to start.Step 11: A few last but crucial works have to be done. Once the above screen appears in front of you, you have to open the folder where the Jenkins folder is present (in your local system). Just go to C drive and Program file settings and search for ‘Jenkins’ folder. Refer the below screen for better understandingThis is how we will install Jenkins in our local system. Before we wrap this important discussion with our readers let us see what Jenkins can do for its users. We have presented some key responsibilities of Jenkins –.

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Inbuilt capability of internal hosting. Open source. Great tool to build, deploy and launch. Highly rich set of plugins with complete documentation.

Hugs integrations available. Easy setup. Large user baseRecommended ArticlesThis has been a guide on how to Install Jenkins. Here we have discussed different steps to Install Jenkins in our window. You may also look at the following articles to learn more –.