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Family Values Tour 1998 Download

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by dersmacbeval1986 2020. 2. 16. 17:38


  1. Family Values Tour 98
  2. Family Values Tour 1998 Cd

Movie Family AssessmentName:Date:OverviewChoose a movie from the provided list., focusing specifically on the family unit featured in the film. Compare and contrast the movie family’s characteristics and behaviors to the assessment criteria introduced in the class notes and readings from the textbook. Address each characteristic including specific examples from the movie to validate your analysis. You must use references (textbook, class notes, others), and these must be cited throughout your paper. Submit your analysis in this document, typed using APA format (double-spaced). Limit is five (5) content pages.Choose one of these movies:The Journey of August KingSteel MagnoliasIt’s a Wonderful LifeMrs. DoubtfireField of DreamsMr.


Family Values Tour 98

Holland’s OpusRemember the TitansThe Horse WhispererMadea’s Family ReunionThe Sound of MusicStepmomRun Away BrideI am SamThe Last SongThe NotebookObjectives.Explore developmental characteristics of the family as a unit across the lifespan.Examine health patterns and practices transmitted across generations.RubricNOTE: All assignments must be submitted on time. Family Movie Analysis: StepmomNameInstitutionDateFamily Movie Analysis: StepmomIntroductionStepmom is the movie about two strong and independent women. They both need to find a way of connecting to each other despite the circumstances of divorce that make them not trust each other (Columbus, 1998).

In the movie, Jackie discovers she has a terminal illness while Isabelle and Luke's relationship grows. Both Jackie and Isabelle realize that they need to put aside their differences for the sake of the family. Eventually, the two women have a mutual understanding as they discover the importance of celebrating life when they have the chance to do so (Columbus, 1998).Movie Setting and StoryThis movie talks about divorce and how the whole family is struggling to ensure that their two children Benjamin and Anna adapt to the new situation. Jackie Harrison is a former publisher who was once married to Luke, a successful businessman. The couple eventually divorces after having two children; the children live with their mother, Jackie.

Family Values Tour 1998 Cd

Luke starts dating Isabelle, a photographer. Even though Isabelle wants to take care of the children, Jackie does not trust her. The children visit their father on weekends, and Jackie does not like Isabelle, she thinks she is not a good role model for her children (Columbus, 1998).The children also become rude to Isabelle; however, the movie takes a dramatic turn when Jackie is diagnosed with breast cancer and needs to seek treatment in California. After undergoing several treatment options, her health has not improved, meaning that she needs to face the reality that she will eventually die. This is the same time Luke proposes to marry Isabelle; the children are confronted with major challenges of having to deal with the loss of their mother, at the same time trying to adapt to the step mom (Columbus, 1998).Assessment of Movie FamilySocio-culturalIn the movie, there is an interesting clash of values and ethics noted, for example, when Anna starts dating she complains about being teased by a boy she liked.


Jackie's advice is very different from what Isabelle suggests. Jackie tells Anna to behave maturely and ignore the boy while Isabelle comes up with a plan to help Anna overcome her fears (Columbus, 1998). Isabelle's plan is to boost Anna’s self-confidence, which is dif.