“The power of the music was indisputable with many of the audience in tears ofjoy at the memories and emotions the songs evoked. It was like seeing Supertrampback in their heyday.” Evening Herald“Hodgson effortlessly weaves the music around his audience giving an almost cathartic emotional release in some cases.
His instantly recognisable voice and pulsating keys are in as fine a form as you will hear, and the genuine friendliness and personality of Hodgson, comes across in waves from stage to audience.”John Hayhurst, Subba Cultcha. ATTENTION ALL TICKET HOLDERS -YOU’VE BEEN ASKING AND WE MADE IT WORK!YOU MAY NOW PURCHASE MORE VIP ADD-ON PACKAGES FOR ROGER’S SHOWSat.Now is your chance to attend the afternoon soundcheck before the show and see Roger rehearsing with his band and orchestra and/or come backstage after the concert for a Meet and Greet and photo with Roger and receive a keepsake commemorative Laminate’s for both.
Addingsoon Autographed Breakfast in America World Tour setlist.Act quickly, as there are a limited number of packages for each show. All packages are offered as an add-on for valid ticket holders. For ticket links, visit the Tour page here on the site.Roger on Tour -#Supertramp #BreakfastinAmericaWorldTour #VIPPackage #MeetandGreet #Soundcheck.